How to apply for a fake driver license 2022? Buy registered driving licence

A driver’s license is a document issued by the government transportation department to a person who is qualified to drive, usually a card. A driver’s license usually lists the types of motor vehicles that the holder can drive, such as locomotives, passenger cars, pickup trucks, coaches, trucks, passenger cars (and vans), trucks (and substitute passenger cars), trailers (linked car), bus, etc. How to order a fake United States driver license, buy scannable fake driver license, get a registered fake driver license online.

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To obtain a driver’s license, you need to meet a minimum age and (usually) pass a driving test. Countries have different standards for the minimum age to apply for a driver’s license. Older driver’s license holders may need to conduct a personal inspection when their driver’s license is renewed. Some countries will encourage senior drivers to voluntarily return their driver’s license and stop driving on the road. Internationally, a driver’s license is defined as: “A certificate (clearly) issued by the competent authority to authorize the driving of a vehicle in order to drive a motor vehicle”.

In some countries or regions where it is not mandatory to carry an ID card, such as the United States, Canada and Japan, a driver’s license is a form of identification document.

France (1893), Germany (1910), the United Kingdom (1904), and even the Netherlands were the first countries to mandate a driver’s license, having implemented it as early as the early 20th century. Due to the increasing number of traffic accidents in North America, the public began to demand legislation. On August 1, 1910, New York State was the first to pass a driver’s license law, which originally only applied to professional drivers. In July 1913, New Jersey became the first state to mandate that all drivers pass a driving test and obtain a driver’s license.

UK: Temporary driving licence is required

Learning to drive in the UK is different from China. You must first apply for a Provisional Driving Licence before you can go on the road (you cannot go on the road alone, you must be accompanied by a coach or sparring). Because learning to drive in the UK is not to go to a “driving school” for students to practice driving in a fixed empty field, but according to the zip code where you live, the coach will directly take you on the road to practice. The agency responsible for managing vehicle registration and driving licences in the UK is called the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency). Where to order a fake UK driving licence, detectable fake UK driver licence.

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If you don’t apply for a temporary driver’s license in advance, you can’t learn to drive! Even if a temporary driver’s license is not used to learn how to drive, it is considered a valid Photo ID in the UK. Buying alcohol, buying cigarettes, going to nightclubs, and taking a plane in the UK can directly show the temporary driver’s license as identification. Therefore, many people do not learn to drive. A temporary driver’s license will be applied for as an ID.

There is also a written test for driving license in the UK. The written part is called the Driving Theory Test, which costs 23 pounds per test. If you have not taken the test, you must wait at least three working days before taking the test.

The road test can only be taken if the written test is passed. In the UK road test, the examiner does not only look at whether you can drive, but also observes how strong your safety awareness is, whether it is safe to drive, whether you can make a correct response to a problem, and so on.

After the road test, the examiner will tell you the result directly. If you pass, you can change from a temporary driver’s license to a full license (Full Licence). After you have a Full Licence, you can drive in any country in the EU.

Finland: Everyone can drift

Order a Finland driver license. Finland is a country full of racing drivers. Mika Hakkinen and Raikkonen, these famous F1 racers are all Finns. This is not unrelated to Finland’s national conditions, because Finland is against northern Europe and has snow all year round. Roadside adhesion is low, and even with snow tires and the help of an electronic limited-slip system, roll is inevitable.

Therefore, the design of the driving license test route in Finland is very strict. For example, one test item is driving on a wet road with water. In the case of sudden braking, whether the body posture is stable, if the car is not braked smoothly within the specified time, it will fail. The forest coverage rate in Finland is very high, and wild animals are often encountered when driving. Therefore, computer simulations are also used in the test project to test the emergency response ability of drivers when wild animals suddenly appear during long-term driving.

In addition, Finland will even test the vehicle’s control ability in a drifting state. There are as many as 9 assessments from easy to difficult. After passing the test, you will only get a temporary driver’s license. A full driver’s license will be issued only if the provisional driver’s license has been violated no more than 2 times within 2 years.

The driving test process in Finland is extremely difficult, but the traffic laws are stricter. Finnish fines for motorists are graded according to income. High-income earners are fined more, and low-income earners are fined less. Once, the vice president of Nokia was fined 116,000 euros when he reached a speed of 75km/h on a road with a speed limit of 50km/h.

Japan: Driving schools provide room and board

Japan’s driver’s license test is also very expensive and harsh, usually costing about 15,000 to 20,000 yuan, and the education time is no less than 60 hours. The first is a 10-hour road traffic law training course, followed by a 15-hour driving theory training course. After the theoretical study, there are 19 hours of practical road driving training and 16 hours of professional training.

This is just a graduation from a driving school, and the driving school will issue a certificate of completion. With it, you can go to take the final exam. If you fail the final test, I am afraid you will have to study again in the driving school.

If all goes well, it will take about two weeks from entering a driving school to obtaining a driver’s license. Therefore, some driving schools in Japan have launched some driving license test packages. The driving school provides accommodation, and the students can eat and drink in the driving school, and focus on training for two weeks.

Germany: Learn first aid first

It takes about 3 to 6 months to obtain a German driver’s license, and the total cost is about 1,500 euros. Germany will first learn 8 hours of first aid knowledge before getting a driver’s license. Simulate how to deal with the scene of a traffic accident. The road practice is to drive with a professional instructor for at least 90 minutes each time, and practice 12 times in succession. This includes 4 highway driving exercises, and 3 night road exercises.

There is no fixed test route in Germany, and the test is carried out in the city center, highway and other road conditions based on the random instructions of the instructor. Depending on the type of driver’s license, a test usually takes 30 to 75 minutes. The parking test includes parallel parking, ramp parking and other methods. The German driver’s license test is taken many times, and each time is very long. Because the driver’s judgment is very subjective when driving on the actual road, and there are many measures to deal with, such as there is an obstacle ahead, whether to detour, brake, or stop to check, there is no absolute right or wrong. However, more than 3 wrong judgments, or dangerous driving is considered a disqualification.

When taking a driver’s license test in Germany, the instructor will also open the hood and ask the driver about the functions of various parts in the engine compartment, as well as the inspection and usage specifications of various oils. It can be said that the process of first aid, driving, maintenance and learning is quite comprehensive. If you get a driver’s license, you’ll be a car expert.

Canada: It takes two years to get a driver’s license

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The time required for the Canadian driver’s license test is two years. The whole process includes the practice driver’s license (G1), the preliminary driver’s license (G2), and the full driver’s license (G). After all three are obtained, the driver’s license for the final permit can be obtained. Order fake British Columbia driver’s licence, buy scannable fake Ontario driver licence.

After passing the driving school test, you can get a practice driver’s license (G1), and you can exchange for a preparatory driver’s license (G2) after passing 1 year of practice. If you can’t drive alone during this period, you need to be accompanied by a 4-year driving experience . In addition, it is not allowed to drive the vehicle from 12:00 pm to 5:00 am, and it is not allowed to drive at a speed of more than 80km/h.

After one year, you can use the driving school’s vehicle or your own vehicle for the final test. After this process is passed, you can exchange for a preparatory driver’s license (G2). During this time, you cannot carry other people, and you can only drive by yourself. After another year, the official driver’s license (G) test can be obtained.

America: Easy

The process of the US driver’s license test is very simple, divided into a written test and a road test. After the theoretical written test, a temporary driver’s license will be obtained, and with the temporary driver’s license, you will be able to practice on the road. After contacting you, you can take a road test to get a driver’s license.

The written test in the United States is also very simple, usually only 30 questions. Includes traffic laws and road signs, and more. You can easily pass by simply reading the book before the written test. After the written test, you can get a temporary driver’s license, and you can practice with your own car, because almost every family in the United States has a car, and you can learn it with your own car without a driving school. The final road test requires the instructor to drive about 5km, and the process takes about 20 minutes to get the driver’s license.

South Korea: The easiest

South Korea’s driver’s license test can be described in the simplest terms, because my own driver’s license was taken in South Korea. It cost about 1,500 yuan for more than a week. I got my driver’s license through a driving school. If I don’t pass the driving school, the cost may only be a few hundred. The Korean driver’s license test is also divided into two parts: a written test and a road test. The written test supports answering in Chinese, so there is no difficulty. I didn’t even read any traffic rules book before the test, and I passed 60 points, so it doesn’t matter if there are more mistakes.

You don’t have to go to a driving school to get a driver’s license in Korea. You have a car at home. You can just go for the test after you learn it. The skill test is mainly about basic functions, including starting, parking, and the use of headlights. After passing the skills is the final road test. The route is fixed, as long as it is opened several times in advance before the exam, there is no problem.

South Korea also has driving schools, mainly for those who do not have a car at home. One of my classmates in South Korea bought a second-hand Sonata for 15,000 RMB, and then taught other classmates how to drive for 1,500 RMB each. In less than a summer vacation, I received 30 students and made a lot of money. Now many Chinese people hear that South Korea’s driver’s license is easy to test, and they go to South Korea to travel and take the test one after another. As a result, many domestic vehicle management offices have to retake the written test when changing their driver’s license.

Although the way of obtaining a driver’s license is different in different countries in the world, it is not difficult to find that the more developed the automobile is, the easier the test is, such as the United States and South Korea. The more complex the natural and social environment is, the stricter the test is. For example, Finland and Germany do not have a speed limit on high-speed highways, so the driver’s license test is also very strict. I think that with the popularity of cars, our driver’s license test can also be relaxed, but the intensity of traffic violation penalties needs to be strengthened, so that drivers can obey the rules on the road in this way.